Villiger brought to the USA Market one of the best premium cigars encompassing 4 various prominent cigar regions. Get your chance to grab 3- 4ct Toro cigars for a total of 12 premium cigars today to stock up your humidor.
HONDURAS: Special selection of complex aromas with earthy and peppery notes. (3 Toro)
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Perfectly balanced and particularly long-matured Dominican tobaccos. Mild, but fully aromatic with fine roasted aromas. (3 Toro)
BRASIL: Spirited, extraordinary and intoxicating. Complexity of Brazilian tobaccos. (3 Toro)
NICARAGUA: Robustness of Nicaraguan tobaccos, strong taste with noble aromas of dark chocolate, espresso and earth – rounded off by spicy and aromatic wood notes. (3 Toro
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